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A group of scientists has put forth a groundbreaking machine-based theory of life that challenges traditional biological perspectives. This theory suggests that life is not just a product of organic processes but is also heavily influenced by external, non-biological factors such as machines and technology. The proposition puts forward the idea that life is a result of an interplay between biological and In a new machine-based theory of life Tsvi Tlusty and Albert Libchaber suggest that life is an intricate cascade of machines, from molecular level to entire biospheres. They have developed a conceptual framework and a simplified language to describe living matter as an almost infinite double cascade. This theory identifies a critical point where self-replicating machines interface with their environment, which is essential for the emergence of life. This critical point is marked by specific temporal and spatial scales of 1,000 seconds and 1 micron, corresponding to microbial life. This theory provides a mathematical foundation for understanding life and its complexity
Physicist Sara Imari Walker is using principles of physics to redefine the concept of life. She introduces Assembly Theory, which measures molecular complexity to distinguish living from non-living systems. This approach could help detect unfamiliar life forms on other planets and better understand life on Earth.
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